Why exhibit?
Take part in the hottest business event
in south of France
Speed to market Reach a large part of the marketplace in a short space of time
Generate lucrative and targeted business leads Exhibiting on Food’in Sud will help you to increase your sales and strengthen your commercial presence on the Mediterranean
Be where your customers are The visitors who attend Food’in Sud are looking for new products and innovations and they expect to meet their suppliers. Can you afford not to be here when they come looking?
Create a business Experience Show your products, equipment and service solutions to customers and prospects in the CHR sector and food distribution in the South and the Mediterranean
Take advantage of the press coverage and all the communication around our event
A leading trade show
Food’in Sud is the Mediterranean food service and hospitality trade show which is positioned on the No. 1 tourist region in the world and on an area rich in a creative culinary tradition that offers innovations. In order to attract high-level contractors, Food’in Sud is setting up a dense program of events that aims to bring about changes and ideas for professionals.
An international attraction focused on the Mediterranean
Food’in Sud is supported by regional institutions to welcome visitors and exhibitors under the best conditions. Hotel infrastructure, railway network, international airports, public transport, restaurants, outings …
Connect with a high-profile communication campaign
Food’in Sud is setting up a national and international multi-channel communication campaign, designed to attract even more qualified visitors.
• Media plan for leading national and international publications (targeting Southern European and Mediterranean countries).
• Partnerships with trade press and local business publications.
• Local poster campaign and improved partnerships with regional daily publications.
• Press relations managed by a specialised agency for all national and regional media
• Local radio campaign -
Digital communication
• Increased visibility on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
• Partnerships and adverts on selected websites
• Visitor pre-booking and reminders via our website
• Digital communication kit provided to exhibitors -
Direct Marketing
• Acquisition of prospects databases
• Identification of Top Buyers in each targeted sector, Hosted buyers programme, VIP welcome
• Direct mail and e-mail campaigns
• Targeted street marketing -
• Promotion via trade associations and institutions in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean